Leominster Credit Union held their annual Election of Board Officers for 2022 – 2023 at their April meeting.
Richard A. Sheppard was appointed Chairman of the Board. Sheppard serves on the Executive Committee and has served on the board since 2006.
Michael J. Sauvageau, Vice Chair. Sauvageau has been on the Board since 2007. Sauvageau serves on LCU’s Executive, Credit, Investment and Compensation Committees.
Nancy L. Graves, Treasurer. Graves serves on the Executive, Audit and Advisory Committees. She has served on the LCU Board of Directors since 2004.
Guilio G. Greco, Assistant Treasurer. Greco most recently held the position of Chairman. Greco serves on LCU’s Executive, Audit and Investment Committees. Greco has served on the Board since 1978.
Joseph V. Quintal, Clerk. Quintal serves on Executive, Credit, Compensation and Advisory Committees. Quintal has served on the Board since 2006.
Joining the officers on the 2022-2023 Board of Directors are; Robert J. DelleChiaie, Joyce G. Leger, Henry C. Kulik, Jr. and John W. Reedy.
Richard A. Sheppard, Chairman of the Board